59 Hanover St,
Pemberton, NJ

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Facebook Page

What we Believe

Sunday Services

9:45 am - Sunday School
for adults and children

11:00 am - Morning Service

6:00 pm - Evening Service

Nursery available for all services


Young Adults
meet 1st and 3rd Monday
of each month at 7PM

Wednesday Schedule

6:30 - 180 Youth Group
Aa youth group for students in grades 4th - 7th.
Meets 6:30-8:00 pm

6:30 pm – Adult Prayer & Bible Study


Men's Fellowship Breakfast
served on 2nd Saturday of each month at 8 am































"Those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength.
They will soar on wings like eagles;
they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint."

Sunday School for children and Adult Bible study - 9:45
Adult Bible Study - A study in Leviticus

broadcasted Sundays @ 9:45 am click link - Live Stream link

Sunday Worship - 11:00am

Oct 13, 2024 - 11:00 am

Message: : missionaries Michael & Nina Schaafsma and
   Rev. Sam & Joan Fiore, Italy

Fellowship luncheon following service in the gym.   

Link to Bulletin  

6:00 pm – No Evening Service

This Week

Wednesday:      6:30 pmAdult Prayer & Bible Study – join us for a
meditation in God’s Word followed by time spent in prayer for our Church Family needs.
6:30 pm – Youth Group resumes -- for students in 4th through 12th grades.  All are welcome.  Come.  Join.

7:30 pm – Choir Rehearsal – if you would like to join the Choir, see Bob Sparks or Pat Grovatt … or just come to rehearsal.

Thursday: 9:45 am – Ladies Bible Study resumes and will continue meeting weekly on Thursdays led by Sue Adams and Brenda Emmons.

Next Sunday:     11:00 am – Morning Worship Hour

Pastor Tony Garris, Church-Planting missionary in Camden, NJ, as well as  a representative from The Gideons International whom we support will join us to share from God’s Word and challenge us for service.

6:00 pmEvening Service – continues study in the Book of The Revelation

Looking Ahead

 October is Missions Month – throughout the month, we will hear from several of the missionaries we support.  On Sunday, the 13th, we will enjoy a pot-luck fellowship lunch following the morning service.  Watch for a sign-up sheet.  And once again, be reminded of “Christmas in October” when we receive love gifts throughout the month to share a Christmas gift with our missionaries as an expression of our appreciation. Plan to be in in support of our missions emphasis and be praying for our missionaries as they come. 

Samaritan’s Purse Operation Christmas Child Shoe Box Project … Check the table in the Lucas for more information on ways you can participate:  Take a Shoe Box and fill it, donate gift items…Collection boxes for donated gifts are in the Lucas Chapel…pray.  Donations for Postage are also welcomed; Postage to send each box is $10. 

Oct. 26th 1-4pm – Trunk or Treat—Set aside this date…you can help with this ministry outreach … set up / tear down, donate candy, plan a theme table and share with the boys and girls, pray!  More details will be coming to let you know how you can be part of this outreach.

Food Pantry donationsThis is an ongoing ministry.  The Food Pantry is open at the Methodist Church on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays. There is a receptacle in the Lucas for your food donations which we will deliver to the Methodist Church in a timely manner.  Thank you for donating. 


If you have requests for which you would like prayer, please call the office and leave your request with Mary Ann or email it to pemberton1stbaptist@p1bc.org.

…God has said, ‘Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.’  So we say with confidence, ‘The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid.  What can man do to me?’

Thank you for continuing to stand with us.  "Prayer Wins the Day!"

Share our services … Click HERE to see Live Stream and Library

Thank you for your faithful giving in support of this ministry.